Epic Rock – Michael Raphael

Stock Music is proud to announce the signing of the first album by the award winning American composer Michael Raphael. SMI406 Epic Rock is exactly what it says on the tin: full force rock with gritty guitar riffs and solid, punchy drums perfect for extreme sports, car racing and dramatic action.

For more information on Michael Raphael please follow this link to his biography.

Bringing in new talent is a conscious choice at Stock Music and in the future, you will see that we will reinvigorate the SMI Production label with new blood and expand our composer roster with some amazing new talent. We want to continue to revitalise the brand and keep things fresh. It’s been successful so far, and there’s more good stuff on the way. So stay tuned and watch this space!

If you are looking for similar exciting fast ‘n furious cues to pump up the energy levels in your programmes we can highly recommend following playlist and album releases.

  1. Fast ‘n Furious Sports: Energetic, turbo-charged and adrenalin fuelled tunes
  2. To the Top: Action & Sports Rock
  3. Screaming for Yardage: Music for Action and Extreme Sports
  4. Sports Rock: Music that bursts with life, energy and plenty of get up and go!
  5. Finest of Sports: Catch the sports playlist for all kinds of soccer action!

If however, more chilled summertime programming is what you are working on, we can recommend this sun-drenched collection of upbeat indie folk through to lazy day tunes and feel good riffs topped with some catchy summer pop.

The tracks chosen are just a handful of our favourites so we encourage you to make use of our advanced search system to find favourites of your own, or even to discover something a bit more specific for your production. Remember that we are also always here to help you J.

Music sounds better with SMI.

Check out SMI406 – Epic Rock here.

Music Submissions Guidelines

If you would like to submit your music for consideration for our music catalogue please pay attention to the following:

  • Do not call or email asking if it is okay to send music, we listen to everything that comes across our desk. Sometimes this takes a while, so please allow four to six weeks before querying if your music has been received and reviewed.
  • Our core focus is high-quality production music. If you care enough about your music that you want other people to pay attention to it, you need to make sure it stands out. We love new and exciting music. For your music to stand a better chance to get noticed, make sure you send us finished tracks NOT demos, unless they are brain-meltingly good.
  • You must own and control 100% of the copyright in both the composition and master recording. Sound-alikes and samples are not permitted.
  • We do not accept any music on a non-­exclusive basis. We act as the exclusive music publisher for the compositions in our library, promoting and representing them to our clients worldwide through a network of sub publishers.
  • Make sure you are not under an exclusive agreement with another publisher.
  • Please do NOT email mp3s as they will be deleted.
  • Please submit a streaming link ONLY for 5-8 songs using our contact form and any other info that you think is pertinent.

And last but not least: here is something to remember: the music library business is a long term journey. Chances are you will not become an overnight millionaire! Music libraries are all about growing a steady stream of long term income. Compare it to rolling a snowball, but a snowball that sometimes rolls quickly, sometimes slowly. Quick or slow, it still grows.

We know it is not a great sales pitch but it is the reality of the business. And it says something about the Stock Music philosophy: we don’t over-sell or make huge promises to you. We just work hard, do our utmost best and with that attitude we hope you will stay and grow with us.